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Duration: 413 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-06 23:14:54 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
FOX News used the same tactic to drum up war with Iran that it did for war against Iraq: by ridiculing and denigrating those who disagree. From the 7/6/07 Hannity & Colmes. Comments and more at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/07/07/hannity_colmes_guest_without_joe_lieberman_the_toughest_man_in_the_democratic_party_is_a_girl.php |
Thursday, August 9, 2007
FOX News Foments War Against Iran Again
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Duration: 590 seconds Upload Time: 06-09-08 23:55:07 User: renetto :::: Favorites |
http://www.paulrobinett.com This is a my take on the entore YouTube vs Lonelygirl thing. Please watch all of this video before you send any email. Thanks, paul |
Comments | |
bonoTheKlown ::: Favorites renetto is an italian name. in english, his name translates into "lonelygirl 15". 07-05-21 23:57:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
hondo1188 ::: Favorites wrestling is fake?? 07-05-26 11:27:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Letsgocrazy505 ::: Favorites ever seen a dude eat cat shit? check my video out! 07-05-28 15:29:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
leroyinc ::: Favorites No, why don't we ask ourselves: "Does it even matter?" 07-05-29 01:32:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
KatZ003 ::: Favorites people can change opinions about things.... 07-05-30 17:10:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
aqlpskwo ::: Favorites even tho its fake there is a difference... 07-05-31 06:32:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
rook8889 ::: Favorites thanks renetto! i'm totaly on your side! 07-06-04 06:39:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
Swazi88 ::: Favorites I agree with u 100%, Their is nothing wrong with enjoying high Quality Video such as LG15. I hope that more High Quality Video, Fake or really continues to be submitted. 07-06-20 01:17:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
ryanlovesabby1988 ::: Favorites Mr pregnant told you hahahahaha 07-07-16 21:01:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
223344556 ::: Favorites i know my name is stupid and crazy for a reason!!!! 07-07-26 17:13:56 _____________________________________________________ |
Moronic Reporting On Virginia Tech Massacre
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Duration: 256 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-18 01:04:53 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
FOX News' Megyn Kelly stutters her way through nearly four minutes of useless, insipid commentary. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/18/moronic_reporting_on_virginia_tech_massacre_from_megyn_kelly.php |
Harol Ford, Jr. Allows Hannity To Smear Democrats
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Duration: 275 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-24 01:18:11 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Harold Ford, Jr., was silent as Sean Hannity accused Democrats of emboldening the enemy and betraying our troops. No wonder FOX News found him more appealling than Gen. Wesley Clark, who was supposedly replaced by Ford. From the 6/21/07 Hannity & Colmes. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/06/24/harold_ford_jr_silent_as_hannity_accuses_democrats_of_emboldening_the_enemy_and_betraying_the_troops.php |
Best Of Will Kirby BB2 #57
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Duration: 249 seconds Upload Time: 06-09-13 15:43:49 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
Best Of Will Kirby BB2 #57 |
Comments | |
chipssahoy ::: Favorites xx2000xx thank you so very much for releasing all of the best of will kirby clips. they are all great !!!! 06-09-15 23:32:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
weenell ::: Favorites i cant believe will won bb2 and came 4th on bb7 without even wining a hoh competition and in bb7 he never won POV either 07-06-28 09:05:09 _____________________________________________________ |
James vs Janelle p2
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Duration: 598 seconds Upload Time: 06-07-31 06:35:16 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
James vs Janelle p2 |
Comments | |
onyewu ::: Favorites okay why beat up on the woman? James and Kaysar did the same thing? 06-08-02 15:19:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
bobo0383 ::: Favorites James still put up Jase when he was no threat to him so how did James do the same thing? 06-08-02 18:43:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
onyewu ::: Favorites James and Kasar did not put up both members of the chill town. So why should Janelle? 06-08-02 23:24:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
bobo0383 ::: Favorites they still put up one. Janelle didn't put up either 06-08-03 17:20:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
bobo0383 ::: Favorites Actually let me adjust that, they left one up. Janelle didn't. 06-08-03 17:21:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
epidydimis ::: Favorites omg janelle is so stupid 06-08-05 13:00:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
stylin291 ::: Favorites Janelle's in big, big trouble... busted! And now she's on the chopping block with James! ROFLMAO 06-08-05 19:16:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
nyballa2310 ::: Favorites i loved how this season was going... bb6 was unstoppable.... now breaking up ... they are weak...... bb6 will probably end up losing now.... including james...Janelle is so stupid.... diane wasn't a threat.... chilltown is. 06-08-09 15:59:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
tokinjay ::: Favorites I definetly agree with nyballa... janelle is soooooooooooooooo dumb! diane isn't anywhere near an immediate threat...and Janelle going to take the word of dr. will.. who won a previous BB by using 'lying as a sport' idiot 06-08-12 03:18:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
lostnthefuture ::: Favorites Janelle was so stupid as far as how she played this game and it's funny because i stopped watching the show the after Danielle left, and thats when everyone really got what they deserved Will got voted out by Janelle, Janelle got ousted because she finally got caught cheating and Erika lost to booger and was humiliated in the process. I should have kept watching lol 06-10-13 23:32:51 _____________________________________________________ |
Adam Housley Clips No. 2
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Duration: 304 seconds Upload Time: 07-06-03 17:21:55 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
http://www.newshounds.us Clips showing that FOX News did not air footage of Chavista (pro-Chavez) rallies prior to June 1, 2007, the date Adam Housley claimed that FOX News had covered both sides of the conflict in Venezuela. Comment at www.newshounds.us |
DEC - Cara a cara, Bárbara Rey y María Patiño.
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Duration: 117 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-18 06:57:18 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/corazon/ María Patiño decide abandonar el plató por dignidad. |
Comments | |
PunKyJaVy ::: Favorites Ole ole y ole ¡Patiño! Tú si que vales reina y muy bien que hicistes yéndote, porque valla asquerosidad de vieja que es Barbara Rey, una actriz de tan prestigio como ella misma dice, no tendría que estar en un plató ni hablando del angel, ni del cristo, ni del espiritu santo. Tendría que estar haciendo su trabajo, si le va mal, pues lo siento mucho, todo el mundo tenemos rachas pero no vamos a un plató a ponerte por encima de un periodista y del presentador. 07-07-23 07:16:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
PunKyJaVy ::: Favorites Te tendrían que a ver echao, tú no eres una mujer. Tienes la verguenza donde haces tus necesidades... 07-07-23 07:17:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
DTLibre ::: Favorites esta muy bien , felicidades!!! entrad a ver el mio,CORTOMETRAJE " LA GALLETA " , y tambien DEMASIADO TIEMPO LIBRE , os va a gustar 07-07-23 07:39:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
tesfumas ::: Favorites Eso no es una periodista, es una maruja frustrada incapaz de dar la talla en un programa en directo. Friky. 07-07-23 08:03:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
chupetadeajo ::: Favorites A mi esta mujercita María Patiño no me cae bien, más que una periodista parece la comadre chismosa del bariio que anda pendiente de la vida y milagros de sus vecinos para poder tema de charla con sus colegas (las otras comadres) 07-07-23 23:40:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
circuloroto ::: Favorites apa PATIÑO!!!!!! barbare rey ...retirate andaa ..no mejor no k kuando vas a un programa montas un gran show y eso m ace reirme mas d ti,... 07-07-28 07:42:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
kasterk ::: Favorites m ncanta barbara xD 07-07-28 18:26:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
Franeeky ::: Favorites Tienes toda la razón. La enana pedorra es una acomplejada que ha hecho el ridículo más veces que pelos resecos tiene en su cabeza.Y se va...es una perdedora. 07-07-29 12:38:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
pablofdez ::: Favorites Ke mierda, nos vamos de la televisión muertos de asco pero la mierda rosa nos persigue hasta el You Tube! y PUTA ANTENA 3!! 07-08-05 09:11:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
amonher ::: Favorites Para felicitar de otra manera el cumpleaños a quien quieras, busca "el happy pepe" en AMONHER . Está curioso. 07-08-07 10:20:23 _____________________________________________________ |
Will and James in the HOH room p1.avi
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Duration: 269 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-16 15:08:02 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
David Peltier and Aaron Task tackle emails on the coffee peddler, the disc-drive maker, the Mexican homebuilder and Chinese wireless plays. |
Imus Producer Calls Sharpton A Terrorist, Pt 1
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Duration: 523 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-27 02:58:49 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
In a softball interview on Hannity & Colmes, the only debate other than just how big a villain is Al Sharpton was just how unfortunate it is to lose the ability to tell racially offensive jokes on the air. Pt 1 Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/27/imus_producer_calls_sharpton_a_terrorist_laments_loss_of_ability_to_make_racially_offensive_jokes.php |
Wall St. Confidential: Cramer Dishes on Cablevision Deal, Ti
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Duration: 139 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-03 10:12:58 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Cramer offers his opinion on the Dolans' take-private move and Time Warner's quarter. |
The blog's interviews: Val di Susa, 2007
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Duration: 373 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-27 14:09:23 User: StaffGrillo :::: Favorites |
www.beppegrillo.it |
Comments | |
Microcip83 ::: Favorites Questi sono i politici che ascoltano la gente...Ci sentiranno loro al V-Day!!! 07-07-27 23:48:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
VvEnR1kOvV ::: Favorites cercate questo video: h t t p://it .youtube. com/watch?v=t8MYCcs138c 07-07-29 15:54:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
federcons ::: Favorites Tanti giovani si riuniscono per un concerto...possono fare la stessa cosa pacificamente e senza violenza riunendosi davanti al palazzo del governo e invitando a tutti i politici di dare le dimissioni... 07-07-30 19:24:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
BenessereCollettivo ::: Favorites A questo dovremmo lavorare, senza perderci in troppe chiacchiere, senza perdere ulteriore tempo. Un'imponente manifestazione che spiazzi la classe politica, costringendo anche quello fra loro più legato alla poltrona a prendere atto della necessità di togliersi dalle scatole e cedere il posto ad una politica più giovane, meno corrotta e che guardi davvero al futuro. In un progetto del genere, che tra l'altro fa parte dei piani del mio movimento, contatemi. 07-08-01 15:27:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
danieleonori ::: Favorites molto meglio DANIELE ONORI scusate tanto.. 07-07-31 19:24:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
marcomarcucci ::: Favorites Ma cosa dice? Se la TAV la fa Berlusconi tutti contro, se la Prodi no, così come le truppe italiane in Iraq e in Libano! 07-08-02 07:38:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
O'Reilly rants that media isn't covering O'Donnell
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Duration: 441 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-06 02:08:07 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Bill O'Reilly having fits over perceived lack of outrage and coverage of Rosie O'Donnell remarks; he blasts Jane Hall for not falling in line. |
O'Reilly defines "no-spin" for Rosie O'Donnell, 2002
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Duration: 33 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-06 21:24:01 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
In a remarkably civil interview O'Reilly defines "no-spin." Big surprise, he can't see spin's relation to truth. |
JetBlue removed from Kos site, O'Reilly satisfied
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Duration: 138 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-19 21:24:24 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
www.newshounds.us Another liberal organization is sufficiently smeared by O'Reilly to convince convention sponsor to pull ad from 1,000,000 eyes a day. Is this really a wise decision? Comments at www.newshounds.us |
Another Rosie O'Donnell Discussion On Hannity & Colmes
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Duration: 295 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-24 01:30:13 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
FOX News' Hannity & Colmes ignored the Alberto Gonzales controversy, ignored Monica Goodling's testimony before Congress, ignored ABC News' report that Bush authorized covert action in Iran but made Rosie O'Donnell's tiff with Elizabeth Hasselbeck the top story for two segments on 5/23/07. Predictably, it soon turned into an excuse to bash Democrats. Comments and more at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/05/24/no_time_for_alberto_gonzales_or_cia_plan_to_destabilize_iran_but_plenty_of_time_to_bash_democrats.php |
Should You Buy It? Stick with Corning, Loews
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Duration: 273 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-31 16:27:38 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Ciena's call bodes well for Corning; Loews is hitting on all cylinders. |
Comments | |
Foober ::: Favorites "Wildcard that could produce an earnings upside." That's a great phrase. 07-05-31 21:42:07 _____________________________________________________ |
Malkin attacks Bill Moyers on O'Reilly Factor
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Duration: 312 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-25 20:22:00 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
Malkin calls American journalism icon Moyers a liar; O'Reilly says it's only dementia. Comment at http://www.newshounds.us/2007/04/25/malkin_calls_moyers_liar_oreilly_thinks_hes_only_senile.php |
Comments | |
SaintVengeance ::: Favorites Malkin = Tool 07-04-25 21:24:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
biglu323 ::: Favorites Yep literally Billo ends off with , "Hey Michelle do you think Bill Moyers is a liar?" .. Then she goes into attack mode like she's some kind of police dog 07-04-25 21:47:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
MikeArmstrong ::: Favorites Malkin, works for conservative authorities...yet they can't help but despise her because, not only is she a woman, she is also an asian. 07-04-26 00:39:48 _____________________________________________________ |
Don't Be Fooled by Weak-Dollar Effect on Your Stocks
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Duration: 129 seconds Upload Time: 07-05-02 10:36:44 User: TheStreetTV :::: Favorites |
Tracy Byrnes shows you how the dollar affects the companies in your portfolio. |
Best Of Will Kirby BB2 #53
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Duration: 648 seconds Upload Time: 06-09-13 12:37:08 User: xx2000xx :::: Favorites |
Best Of Will Kirby BB2 #53 |
Comments | |
Aneurysm42 ::: Favorites Sound?? 06-09-18 20:17:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
KaysarLuvr ::: Favorites This video PROVES WILL is connected to the DEVIL! I hear the devil speaking lowwwwww with Will.... 06-10-07 21:25:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
jmb1839 ::: Favorites The sound is screwed up on this clip... can chance you can repost it to correct the sound please? (Sounds like an animal is in pain or something throughout the entire clip lol) 06-11-20 15:19:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
agdonald1 ::: Favorites FIX THE SOUND!!!!!!!! 07-08-04 23:14:15 _____________________________________________________ |
Dude Back Off
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Duration: 105 seconds Upload Time: 07-07-05 00:02:27 User: soccerstar4ever :::: Favorites |
Being clingy gets you nowhere. It's about FUN. |
Comments | |
btbadrummer ::: Favorites every one saying mean things about her needs to go rot in hell. JEEZ shes hot 07-08-05 01:04:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
shutup223 ::: Favorites you wish, motha fucka!!! 07-08-06 14:52:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
shutup223 ::: Favorites eat the worm motha fucka! 07-08-06 14:53:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
bethie777 ::: Favorites oh god, I HATE these blogs... Ugh so annoying! Im going to stop watching them right NOW! 07-08-08 09:08:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
YellowKid87 ::: Favorites m not a clingy guy.... we shuld chill together 07-08-08 21:37:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
LucasSaldiva ::: Favorites i would tap that ass 4 sure! 07-08-08 23:33:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
madtownkrew ::: Favorites hey guys its Pam again with thesweet site update.. THEREDNECKLOUNGE . com is funny as hell, it dang near made me sprain something laughing so hard... 07-08-08 23:38:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
mbi1954 ::: Favorites COME AND LIVE WITH ME you are hot i'll fuck you everyday and give you shelter 07-08-09 00:37:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
k0targets ::: Favorites she's a freak she make these videos cuz she like da comments lol 07-08-09 00:52:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
ganthonyvr ::: Favorites sarah u r fucking hot i wish i had 5 minutes with u for a nice short fuck. nice ass!! 07-08-09 01:16:23 _____________________________________________________ |
O'Reilly vs. 2 Dem strategists, overtalks both
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Duration: 368 seconds Upload Time: 07-08-07 23:06:49 User: newshoundsblog :::: Favorites |
www.newshounds.us Bill O'Reilly was so proud of himself, going two to one against Kirsten Powers and Laura Shwartz, twow eak Dem strategists. But if he's "independent"a s he claims, why would he frame himself as opposition to Democrats? oops, another inadvertant truth. He's the anti-left. Comments welcome at www.newshounds.us |
DEC- Todo sobre Jennifer Lopez
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Duration: 223 seconds Upload Time: 07-04-09 11:18:28 User: antena3 :::: Favorites |
http://www.antena3.com/corazon/ El que fuera primer marido de Jennifer López ha hablado de la vida que compartió con la estrella norteamericana |
Comments | |
siriusblacktk ::: Favorites una zorra arranca pieles de mierda 07-04-20 09:16:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
sofia20069 ::: Favorites your face look like a money, shit you 07-05-27 09:34:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
sofia20069 ::: Favorites ohani shit you 07-05-27 09:35:34 _____________________________________________________ |