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Duration: 00:41 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-16 19:21:55 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Visit www.cricboards.com for more cricket videos and highlights. |
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Andrew Symonds Bowls Shane Bond.
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Duration: 07:30 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-22 03:17:41 User: jerryliuvideo :::: Favorites |
2007/1/7 薪傳打擊樂團 同心圓希望樂團 高雄市中正文化中心至善廳 指導老師:鄭醴丰 |
20070808 星光同學會 特別來賓 王力宏 (5/5)
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Duration: 09:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-09 23:12:50 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
星光同學會 特別來賓 王力宏 主持人:黃韻玲 袁惟仁 |
Comments | |
vc1188 ::: Favorites weird. Zong Wei usually sings every song really well, but he kinda butchered Luo Ye Gui Gen 07-08-13 21:35:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
icedleaf ::: Favorites thx^^.. 07-08-11 01:13:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
wancanno1 ::: Favorites 王力宏也看 YOUTUBE ? 07-08-10 22:23:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
irenennasshio ::: Favorites thanks for sharing~ =) 07-08-10 00:20:20 _____________________________________________________ |
20070808 星光同學會 特別來賓 王力宏 (1/5)
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Duration: 09:19 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-09 12:27:34 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
星光同學會 特別來賓 王力宏 主持人:黃韻玲 袁惟仁 |
Comments | |
smileLG ::: Favorites LEEHOM I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! 07-08-23 01:00:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
joejoecc1982 ::: Favorites this song is like abit of david tao's style 07-08-12 03:10:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
liuyongfeng ::: Favorites Thanks very much!! Love this series of programs!! 07-08-10 07:55:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
forgetmenot168 ::: Favorites Thank you from usa. 07-08-10 01:57:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
adimundo ::: Favorites SO fast.. thank you! 07-08-09 17:10:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
forgetmenot168 ::: Favorites Lee Hong still ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! 07-08-10 02:01:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
World Record Six Sixes in an Over by Sir Gary Sobers
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Duration: 00:43 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-04 14:06:58 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
World Record Six Sixes in an Over by Sir Gary Sobers |
Comments | |
12345678909964 ::: Favorites I idolise that man. 07-01-14 09:41:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
ibz2004 ::: Favorites now this is the stuff legends are made of 07-01-05 19:05:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
jonomarko ::: Favorites That was amasing vid and good commentary when he said "and he's done it" 06-12-03 03:34:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
MANOFTRENT ::: Favorites Great footage. Makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. This man is still a god in Nottinghamshire. 06-11-25 12:23:01 _____________________________________________________ |
Weatherman needs a geography lesson...
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Duration: 01:25 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-18 17:55:22 User: Fishbone4u :::: Favorites |
Florida is where??? |
Comments | |
syco125 ::: Favorites sweet florida is in the ocean 07-07-04 21:46:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
stormguy101 ::: Favorites What shocks me is the guy doesnt know the error. 07-06-12 23:23:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
rocketgib ::: Favorites Um, isn't Florida on the OTHER side of the continent? 07-06-05 00:56:13 _____________________________________________________ |
20070818 我猜我猜我猜猜猜 吳宗憲 黑澀會妹妹 (10/10)
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Duration: 09:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-18 14:28:53 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
主持人:吳宗憲 黑澀會妹妹 來賓:何嘉文 陳奕 范曉萱 100%大樂團 姚元浩 劉虹翎 真的假不了 人不可貌相 亞洲星寶貝 |
Comments | |
beathreehand ::: Favorites Wow.. 07-08-19 05:45:19 _____________________________________________________ |
回顧 070420 超級星光大道 1對1pk淘汰賽 第15集 (3/7) 周定緯 蘇貝如 劉明峰 李宣榕
20070817 第二季 超級星光大道 拿手歌曲PK賽 下集 (3/10)
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Duration: 09:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-18 01:03:53 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
超級星光大道 拿手歌曲PK賽 下集 評審:袁惟仁 黃韻玲 張宇 林志炫 Roger |
Comments | |
piinkheart3 ::: Favorites musicfan200611 (1 day ago) Marked as spam Please do not leave rude commets,if you don't like it,then don't watch! Thanks for uploading! 07-08-22 20:00:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
ppppjacky ::: Favorites 管他长发短发还是没头发,好声音就要顶~~!! 07-08-22 01:09:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
musicfan200611 ::: Favorites 不論鬼佬或是亚洲人,男人一流发长过肩就变得难看!阿嬷会说:不男不女! 07-08-21 05:41:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
linyic01 ::: Favorites Yeah! First to comment..Thank you so much for uploading weekly... 07-08-18 16:27:14 _____________________________________________________ |
Dustin On The Early Show Part 1
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Duration: 05:46 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-17 11:38:18 User: TommyVercetti001 :::: Favorites |
Part 1 of Dustin's interview on the Early Show with Julie Chen |
Comments | |
cherrygirl3 ::: Favorites hahha. i did not know about the american idol thing. HAHAHAH. 07-08-19 03:58:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
thiopheneme ::: Favorites He's handeling it pretty well. how the heck do you spell handelling? :D 07-08-18 05:55:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
8394147 ::: Favorites Handling! :) 07-08-18 23:08:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
tubinit2 ::: Favorites I am so happy that princess ass is gone...His arrogance is sickening. Mr. know it all, give me Joe any day... 07-08-17 23:16:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
AbrcrmbGrl0223 ::: Favorites yay princess is gone!!! 07-08-17 20:24:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
craybee06 ::: Favorites thanks for uploading this. i'm so glad that smug princess dustina is gone. not that i like dick. but dustina was just too arrogant 07-08-17 20:15:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
momofpixie ::: Favorites Poor Julie Chen. What a crappy gig. 07-08-17 20:09:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
YuiTeub49 ::: Favorites Julie Chen looks more attractive on the BB show... 07-08-17 18:50:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
XxMusicortheMiseryxX ::: Favorites lol at least he has his 5000 dollars and trip to the bahamas..or whatever :] 07-08-17 15:00:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
sdel24 ::: Favorites yeah hes barbados's bitch now....lulz 07-08-17 16:13:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
richmondhillgal ::: Favorites I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy when that little bitch got booted. See, arrogance will get your ass ousted every time. He got too big for his tights and hahahaha he went home. That face was priceless!!!!!!! 07-08-17 14:47:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
lego020 ::: Favorites i love dustin but i hated amber so i hope she goes out with out him 07-08-17 14:01:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
jfung79 ::: Favorites Dustin being his usual smarmily charismatic self, ugh. Give me Joe any day. 07-08-17 13:52:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
kareblue ::: Favorites THAT PIC IS PRICELESS LOL ;O) 07-08-17 13:41:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
krissicas1 ::: Favorites Sorry I love the goofball LOL.. Aww sorry to see you go 07-08-17 13:32:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
dschapin ::: Favorites hahaha what a queen 07-08-17 13:25:32 _____________________________________________________ | |
jsuschck ::: Favorites Oooo that makes me smile! 07-08-17 12:59:49 _____________________________________________________ |
Tekken 5 TGS Trailer 2
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Duration: 04:31 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-15 07:54:57 User: Anwarrior :::: Favorites |
The second Tokyo Game Show Trailer for Tekken 5. |
Comments | |
TanThePrince ::: Favorites Nice one. 07-02-15 08:02:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Thanks cus. 07-02-15 10:36:57 _____________________________________________________ |
Africa XI vs Asia XI Twenty20 2007 Part 2
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Duration: 09:50 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-07 01:24:58 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Africa XI vs Asia XI Twenty20 2007 Part 2 |
Comments | |
baalram ::: Favorites thanks a bunch cricvideos 07-06-18 12:16:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
vandamme77 ::: Favorites thank q vry much 4 posting this.... can u pls upload the ODIs as well. thnx :D 07-06-07 17:34:29 _____________________________________________________ |
20070427 超級星光大道 藝人合唱指定賽 (3/11)
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Duration: 06:19 minutes Upload Time: 07-05-29 00:12:21 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
20070427 超級星光大道 藝人合唱指定賽 潘裕文 VS 袁惟仁 合唱 旋木 盧學叡 VS 袁惟仁 合唱 離開我 |
Comments | |
lightcreamcheese ::: Favorites 挖! 潘裕文聲音真的很好聽! 聽他唱歌幾乎可以睡覺!(很舒服!) 07-07-29 17:58:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
ieatflyingpigs ::: Favorites OMG, I totally agree! xD I love the way his voice sounds; it's so soothing and gentle... 07-08-18 00:36:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
kathybti ::: Favorites wow~ i'm impressed by袁惟仁. his singing, guitar and chorus are all very good. 07-07-20 20:20:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
ees3she1 ::: Favorites 聽袁惟仁彈吉他!!! 哈哈~~~ 07-07-01 20:08:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
akimaruchan32004 ::: Favorites pan yu wen is awesome! XD 07-06-21 16:14:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
xjmjbobo ::: Favorites Thank you!! 07-06-19 17:50:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
lalabuzz ::: Favorites 潘裕文, you so good luck you can have 小胖老師的幫助 07-06-10 05:48:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
kathybti ::: Favorites that's right, 哈哈~~~ 07-07-20 20:14:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
blueymiao ::: Favorites 百听不厌.. pan yu wen really sings very well.. 07-06-06 09:40:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
ball418 ::: Favorites 聲音好聽! 07-06-02 13:47:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
tikkibierga ::: Favorites Yup.. PRince Pan sang very good 07-06-01 19:32:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
panshel ::: Favorites 潘裕文唱的很好聽! 07-05-30 00:16:40 _____________________________________________________ | |
jinki ::: Favorites thanks for uploading! 07-05-29 10:56:20 _____________________________________________________ |
Flick of the Wrist by Laxman
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Duration: 00:19 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-22 01:30:35 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Flick of the Wrist by Laxman |
India vs England 2007 2nd ODI - Tendulkar hits on the onside
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Duration: 00:35 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-24 12:31:22 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
http://www.cric.tv - india vs england 2007 2nd ODI sachin tendulkar century 100 |
England vs Pakistan 1st ODI 2
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Duration: 10:59 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-10 01:48:01 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
England vs Pakistan 1st ODI 2 |
Comments | |
jknodi ::: Favorites well bowled Asif.Thanks for uploading 07-06-10 22:19:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
qpr22 ::: Favorites Well played to Bell who made 88. 07-05-20 16:35:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Bhola12 ::: Favorites England vs Pakistan is eggciting 07-05-17 15:30:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
shach50 ::: Favorites fukn test cricket will always b better than ODI's 07-02-05 03:23:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
daspand ::: Favorites Atleast we dont lose to south africa in odi series like shit! Who cares about Test Series .ODI's matter because winning odi's will help in WC but test wont! 07-01-02 20:06:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
killalukey95 ::: Favorites thats right austrlians are da best 06-12-27 23:26:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
tristkm39 ::: Favorites pakistan are rubbish 06-11-08 15:18:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
hassmaq ::: Favorites fuck u atleast we dont lose to Australia by 277 runs man u must be shit 06-11-29 04:39:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
WaxPhantom ::: Favorites Idiot pakis 07-06-10 20:33:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
SnoopDicketyDawg ::: Favorites Ur mums tits are great though 07-04-03 03:15:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
WaxPhantom ::: Favorites Idiot Pakis 07-06-10 20:34:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
zeesman ::: Favorites good shit man 06-10-26 14:12:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
daudnasrullah ::: Favorites thanks for uploading! 06-10-19 16:07:20 _____________________________________________________ |
20070610 周日八點黨 好狗嘜走 案發現場躲貓貓 (6/10)
20070706 超級星光大道 總決賽 (9/13)
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Duration: 10:59 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-06 22:34:05 User: hmhuangh :::: Favorites |
周定緯 Sad Tango 評審:袁惟仁 黃韻玲 王偉忠 張宇 曹格 |
Comments | |
JennieHowell ::: Favorites kinda mechanical and missing the passion or feeling of dancing. Like watching a little kids dance troop who just follows the steps instead of getting into the dance. Singing sounds like puberty. 07-07-08 10:17:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
hutuzaixian ::: Favorites RAIN 不愧是舞王~~呵呵 我的MSN hutuzaixian hotmail com (男同志别加)~~ 07-07-08 09:53:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
chinchng ::: Favorites 聽起來像是日文..Janpanese.. 07-07-07 08:40:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
davidthomasni ::: Favorites 李大哥是來這頒獎兼搞笑的嗎? 還真有喜感 如果金曲獎頒獎人都能像他醬子就好了 07-07-07 06:52:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
panshel ::: Favorites 定Rain跳舞真厲害. 哇~神祕嘉賓好強喔! 曹格太可愛了! 07-07-07 03:40:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
suettracey ::: Favorites SORRIE...couldnt make myself appreciate him.......no... 07-07-07 01:17:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
neoatrocitism ::: Favorites 好笑 07-07-07 00:20:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
tikkibierga ::: Favorites he speaks Korean?? or he just learn it? 07-07-06 23:21:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
myluvlyhyesung ::: Favorites it's actually Japanese....it's a Japanese single Rain released 07-07-06 23:28:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
blakeong ::: Favorites oooh that explains it... 07-07-07 09:16:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
quilcoy ::: Favorites 男的蔡依林! 07-07-06 23:14:26 _____________________________________________________ |
Grey Anatomy
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Duration: 00:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-01-25 22:14:20 User: Kaiajordan :::: Favorites |
preview for feb 2 2007 |
Comments | |
chelseadeslauriers ::: Favorites OMG!! i'm counting the seconds till this episode is on!! 07-01-30 23:38:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
chelseadeslauriers ::: Favorites hey did you guys here that ellen pompeo might be pregnant?? 07-01-30 23:36:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
anjew ::: Favorites omg 07-01-30 06:55:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
ahso19 ::: Favorites OMFG!! 07-01-27 21:50:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
TATERtot31 ::: Favorites YAYA I CANNOT WAIT!!! but considering that they dont show cally or george on there, it gives me the impression that she says no. 07-01-26 22:11:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
whatupmyasian ::: Favorites FUCK!!! 07-01-26 19:05:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
Sawyerfan87 ::: Favorites Poor Addison,looks like she will be one of the victims on the floor I hope she will be o.k 07-01-26 18:57:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
ivetkaa ::: Favorites Who was there???? 07-01-26 14:00:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jennedee ::: Favorites holy shit i dont even know what to say im so effing pumped 07-01-26 12:27:02 _____________________________________________________ | |
addieisagod ::: Favorites oh shit. addie!! :(( 07-01-26 07:17:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
kwownsmysoul ::: Favorites omgawsh theres a floor party in the OR!!! i hope no one dies!!! 07-01-26 07:16:35 _____________________________________________________ | |
Maiqu20 ::: Favorites very excited 07-01-26 01:37:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
englishfan19 ::: Favorites intense!!! 07-01-25 23:46:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
missmaraxo ::: Favorites OMGG ..it was soooo good! 07-01-25 22:59:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
jennamaria2 ::: Favorites so excited for next week!!! 07-01-25 22:41:02 _____________________________________________________ |
Matthew Hayden Straight Drive For Four 2
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Duration: 00:12 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-19 03:50:59 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Matthew Hayden Straight Drive For Four 2 |
Tendulkar Makes Room To Hit It Over Long-Off
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Duration: 00:36 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-21 22:35:32 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Tendulkar Makes Room To Hit It Over Long-Off |
Grey Anatomy
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Duration: 00:43 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-01 22:18:15 User: Kaiajordan :::: Favorites |
Preview for Feb 8 |
Comments | |
SoccerBabe121112 ::: Favorites What happens cant wait till nxt thursday 07-02-03 17:59:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
azxzn ::: Favorites I love the end where Izzy was like "Holy mother of..." haha XD 07-02-02 15:38:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
kmercaderxo ::: Favorites OH MY SHIT . 07-02-02 15:00:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
duvetalice ::: Favorites I want more addex, more more more MORE!!! 07-02-02 06:37:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
englishfan19 ::: Favorites Shizzle. Intense much! I lurvess my GA! 07-02-02 00:12:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
JazzTube05 ::: Favorites Where is BURKE? This show is so good. 07-02-01 23:48:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
thegoodwitch2 ::: Favorites hold on...where's addison? 07-02-01 23:12:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
thegoodwitch2 ::: Favorites nice...can't wait. go addex! 07-02-01 23:03:24 _____________________________________________________ | |
belinda478 ::: Favorites Holy minoly! 07-02-01 22:45:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
karate0kitty0kat ::: Favorites HOLY GOD!!!! Is it Thursday again yet? 07-02-01 22:45:13 _____________________________________________________ |
Pioneers of Cricket - Sanath Jayasuriya Part 2
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Duration: 09:21 minutes Upload Time: 06-10-10 01:14:22 User: cricvideos :::: Favorites |
Pioneers of Cricket - Sanath Jayasuriya Part 2 |
Comments | |
lankacricket ::: Favorites This was originally uploaded by me. You can see me flip channels as well. Our neighbourhood was experiencing power fluctuations and that mucked up the audio during capture. Go to google video and search for jayasuriya pioneers of cricket you'll find the same full length vid. 07-08-25 12:56:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
laxmanalal ::: Favorites check this out on google video 06-12-24 01:56:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
amila89 ::: Favorites Something is wrong with the sound in this video! Please fix it. But I appreciate what you've broadcasted. Sanath is the best! 06-11-05 22:05:00 _____________________________________________________ |
Nobody is Listening - Jin Kazama & Devil Jin Tribute
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Duration: 03:03 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-27 18:35:50 User: Anwarrior :::: Favorites |
A wickid new tribute music video I made for Jin and Devil Jin. It sorta explains why sometimes nobody listens to them and why sometimes they don't listen to nobody. Just to let you know, this took a really long time to make. Enjoy the vid. |
Comments | |
ptiber ::: Favorites Cool!Cool!Cool!:D 07-07-26 03:12:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
scorpiogurl2009 ::: Favorites You're welcome! Do U have any more videos like dis? You're awesome! 07-07-05 13:17:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Yeah, I got loads of vids like dis, check them out and thnx for saying I'm awesome. 07-07-09 13:37:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
scorpiogurl2009 ::: Favorites Dis video was HOT!!!!!!!!! I'm bouts to add dis to my Faves 07-07-04 22:42:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Thanks! I really appreciate it! 07-07-05 11:20:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
casakura ::: Favorites I like it! 07-07-03 22:50:13 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Thanks! 07-07-05 11:20:06 _____________________________________________________ | |
yokusa900 ::: Favorites or woman,lol 07-04-28 21:35:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Haha. lol. 07-06-17 18:50:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
stephensolidum ::: Favorites you know i am very good at tekken and i challenge you using jin or d jin 07-04-20 08:14:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites I accept ur challenge, but we can we play? 07-05-31 05:42:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
TanThePrince ::: Favorites Hey nice one bro , 5 stars 5 stars, oh check your channel. Kazuya rules not jin cus. 07-02-13 07:49:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Thanks cus, but remember Jin will rule over Kazuya any day and he will own him. remember that one thing... 07-02-13 18:44:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
TanThePrince ::: Favorites I chanlange you on tekken vs battleat anyplace,anytime chump. 07-02-14 06:27:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
TanThePrince ::: Favorites My bad i challang in tekken d in vs battle at anywhere,any place,any time chump. 07-02-14 07:32:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites I challenge you too, and I'll beat you. 07-02-17 11:19:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
dildeep5 ::: Favorites anwarrior i like linkin park prince of persia and tekken i tihnk u like the same things. by the awsome vid 5 star 07-01-28 05:42:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Thanks man and yeah, I do like linkin park, prince of persia and tekken and so does my cus TanThePrince. Check out his vids too. 07-01-28 07:31:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
PinkAngelic ::: Favorites or woman. ^_^ lol 07-01-16 11:43:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
Anwarrior ::: Favorites Yeah, or woman, lol. 07-01-16 15:09:15 _____________________________________________________ |