Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Duration: 534 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-05 12:27:15
User: FireLiu
:::: Favorites



Duration: 84 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-09 17:44:10
User: dedevillela
:::: Favorites

Joãozin cantando com a mamãe... bunitin d+!!!

Últimas imagens do Airbus da TAM na pista de Congonhas

Duration: 31 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-18 20:43:04
User: dedevillela
:::: Favorites

O "Jornal Nacional" exibiu nesta quarta-feira (18/07) um vídeo que mostra o momento do pouso do avião Airbus A320 da TAM, vôo JJ3054, que se chocou contra o edifício da empresa TAM Express e um posto de gasolina às 18h50 desta terça-feira (17/07)

7/3/07: New York, NY Increased Security

Duration: 162 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-03 19:11:53
User: terrormonitor
:::: Favorites

WNBC-NY: Following failed carbombing attempts, security is stepped up in New York City. 4th of July celebrations and VIPR teams.

外山恒一 唯一の路上演説

Duration: 409 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-08 19:24:34
User: UmiharaKawase
:::: Favorites

2007年4月7日 都知事候補 外山恒一氏の路上演説 (政見放送版) 音を編集し直しました

kharnifex ::: Favorites
07-05-23 00:18:09
hasanulu ::: Favorites
i appreciate him. he entertained me ecellently. toyama arigatou!
07-06-08 23:01:19
morningbreeezzz ::: Favorites
my good old booklet "Things Japanese" (150 years old) holds that the Japanese race don't have humour it seems you have learned a few things since that time
07-06-11 14:49:08
schattenjedi ::: Favorites
this is one of the stupidest comments I have ever read.
07-07-27 01:25:49
the14told ::: Favorites
you have one of the most stupid names i ever encountered
07-07-27 14:23:58
schattenjedi ::: Favorites
wenn du zu dem Video oder einem Beitrag nichts zu sagen hast dann halte gefälligst das Maul
07-07-27 14:34:58
zsatori ::: Favorites
boy, you are dumb to the core and not even shy about it :)
07-07-27 15:20:48
schattenjedi ::: Favorites
See my last comment for instructions. By the way, your English sucks.
07-07-28 12:01:31
akasakierich ::: Favorites
07-06-25 09:07:44
the14told ::: Favorites
then let me try my Latin on you for a change, my dear shadow sniper: quamvis sint sub aqua, sub aqua maledicere temptant ((and now remind thineself of the noble virtures befitting a true knight of the *Jedi :)* order and keep thine calm/ hold thine breath/ shut thine *Maul*/ vanish into the shadowy realms of your calling...)) -P.e.r.i.o.d-
07-07-29 12:23:19

Sebnem Ferah - Ay (Altınoluk Anfi Tiyatrosu 2006)

Duration: 360 seconds
Upload Time: 07-03-31 21:00:29
User: Efixclub
:::: Favorites

Sebnem Ferah Altınoluk Anfi Tiyatrosu Konser Görüntüleri

Mp3ManiA ::: Favorites
Teşekkürler, Süper Videolar
07-04-01 07:23:15
bbuurrcchh ::: Favorites
Her CD's are superb, but I think live she is not very good.
07-04-28 07:45:54
gamzush35 ::: Favorites
batırmış guzelım şarkıyı ya anlmıorum bu şarkıcıları abartmasınlar ya cıyaklıo
07-04-28 11:46:31
medley5555 ::: Favorites
bbuurrcchh you are stupid, her live perfomance is one and only ...
07-05-03 14:19:26
Efixclub ::: Favorites
Ay Işığına Vuruldum ben, Başka Dünyaya Yansada...
07-05-09 03:07:57
ddilann ::: Favorites
süper yaaa=) ay'sız konser olmaz...
07-05-19 10:39:25
mutlutube ::: Favorites
07-06-13 14:01:22
mhelteam ::: Favorites
GAMzush35 baksana sen bi...nasıl batırmış güzelim şarkıyı o şarkı onun...çokta güzel yorumlamış ..kulak yok sanırım sende....şebo süppeeer
07-06-24 11:07:20
1missedcall17 ::: Favorites
Süper ya ama millet biraz sessiz dursa sonlarında şebo çığırırken daha süper olurmuş :D
07-06-30 14:33:48


Duration: 55 seconds
Upload Time: 07-02-22 13:17:37
User: eflatunbey
:::: Favorites


kanvesu ::: Favorites
bütün fenerlilerde götünü siksin
07-02-23 12:18:49
FickAufAggro ::: Favorites
basaramadilar, malesef, iste türk takimi, 20 pozisyondan anca 2 gol olursa, olacagi buydu !
07-02-23 12:42:36
MehmetArslan ::: Favorites
Hepinizin gotune koyum emii,ulan,bu turk milleti kufur etmeden konusamiyormu?
07-02-23 13:15:45
001Metallica100 ::: Favorites
07-02-23 19:44:23
aykutacar ::: Favorites
seninde ananin amina! kusura bakma ne olursun.
07-02-23 19:46:52
aykutacar ::: Favorites
sanki sen konusabiliyorsun. okuz yavrusu
07-02-23 19:47:24
thenouma ::: Favorites
lan olm Turk takımınla alakası yok; Fener bu her zaman avrupada ezik! Tümerin aq Feneri affetim onun damına herkes kufur etmiş :D
07-02-23 20:06:33
NYTurk2003 ::: Favorites
senin gotune girsin, sen de kusura bakma
07-02-23 20:41:01
hiyarzan30 ::: Favorites
guzel gol
07-02-24 01:04:20
ydogyy3 ::: Favorites
guys, i made 355 ez bucks this month revcash.ontheinter!.net (delete the !) create an account and do a couple of offers, and they pay you monthly. i bought a psp with the money i made!
07-02-24 01:04:52

Killa Hakan - Kreuzberg City

Duration: 177 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-05 06:57:26
User: whatwhatster
:::: Favorites

Killa Hakan - Kreuzberg City (WHAT)

Pojhgf ::: Favorites
bir ara bir ara bi daha sor
07-07-14 09:20:34

Edward scissorhands

Duration: 189 seconds
Upload Time: 06-08-06 21:02:04
User: Darsfan
:::: Favorites

Edward scissorhands

Darsfan ::: Favorites
Darren Hayes /ex Savage Garden/ - So beautiful
07-05-01 13:29:49
sonjogs878 ::: Favorites
Theres a ton of pretty girls at camznow dot com
07-07-02 20:37:46
Sheli3 ::: Favorites
Sweet... make more this made me cry.
07-07-03 22:06:00
Sheli3 ::: Favorites
This movie is sweet and peaceful the music soft and smooth. :)
07-07-04 14:25:02
filmique1extrodaner ::: Favorites
how did he get sissor hands any way?
07-07-05 08:43:56
roby008 ::: Favorites
cause he was never finished
07-07-07 18:39:41
ladaly07 ::: Favorites
WOW!!! My favourite movie and my favourite singer together!!! Thanks Darsfan..are you a fan of darren, too?;)
07-07-14 10:31:59
Darsfan ::: Favorites
yeah)) of course) Darren the best ^_^
07-07-14 10:33:18
offsideandy ::: Favorites
wow way to kill a good movie with a shity song.
07-07-16 16:36:40
Wiolonczelistka18 ::: Favorites
Piękne...chyba 6 razy oglądałam ten film..za każdym razem płakałam...:)..
07-07-26 03:02:46


Duration: 36 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-03 07:27:06
User: WHATZUP1400
:::: Favorites

See what Saudi boys can do

babygurlksa ::: Favorites
07-05-23 13:06:46
hmfmd ::: Favorites
شي رائع
07-05-29 22:30:09
dreams4two ::: Favorites
awesome =)
07-06-01 06:39:16
abdullavip ::: Favorites
07-06-03 10:54:58
Zo0oL89 ::: Favorites
El 7a8i8a y3neeeeeeeeeee Ibda3 Raw3a Fn
07-06-19 13:26:18
Sabei0990 ::: Favorites
That was so funny, it didnt look like it hurt the bird, Steve always used to do that.
07-07-09 18:00:14
tukurukbezi ::: Favorites
Could somebody tell the song's name that playing at background ?
07-07-21 22:27:03
kettisexydolle ::: Favorites
20 year old hotties ready to date adults like you at WEBFLINGTODAY dot COM
07-07-28 16:45:47
silesh81 ::: Favorites
arab mother fuckers
07-08-09 10:13:28
jo0osefph ::: Favorites
fuck u
07-08-09 18:46:20

Ozgur. B - Seni Ozlemek

Duration: 254 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-06 04:53:56
User: whatwhatster
:::: Favorites

Ozgur. B - Seni Ozlemek (WHAT)

askimsin5867 ::: Favorites
sarki süper ya echt hammer sesinde coooook güzel özgür hehe.SENI ÖZLEMEK CANIMA TAK ETI BIRTANEM
07-05-30 15:10:50
kadin01 ::: Favorites
süper şarkı ne söylenebilirki!
07-06-12 10:40:37
kadin01 ::: Favorites
bu klibi yapanların yolu açık olsun
07-06-12 10:50:53
asd11nameno ::: Favorites
Allah yolunu açık etsin sana ve şarkıya hastayım
07-06-20 19:16:54
yonca16 ::: Favorites
walla sarki güzel hemde cok!!ama bence dj savas yada dj akman daha güzel söylüyor off neyise oda güzel söylüyor evet evet oda lololol.
07-06-22 10:43:23
oldursenitube ::: Favorites
ulan bu son nefesin laflarsini caldi beaeeeee ulannnnn hirsizzz
07-07-28 10:30:57
crazysetuone ::: Favorites
süpersin amına kodumun akmanıda şarkıları çalıp duruyo orospu çocuğu
07-07-31 04:06:53

ブチ切れゲーマー ドラゴンズ・レア編

Duration: 284 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-13 01:51:43
User: marumicchy
:::: Favorites


doorknob2150 ::: Favorites
thanks i needed a real good laugh
07-05-14 18:47:35
chimon1982 ::: Favorites
you are a great funny ass I have ever see! but good!
07-05-30 18:30:03
crosbying ::: Favorites
Why do you take and repost other peoples videos?
07-06-06 09:05:26
marumicchy ::: Favorites
adding japanese sub makes them laugh also
07-06-06 09:57:28
Valis77 ::: Favorites
Yeah the japanese subtitles is so hilarious. WTH! who would translate this in japanese about a guy who rates this bad game in a good way?
07-08-06 22:33:55
PsychoJosh ::: Favorites
Dragon's "layer"? It's LAIR, you idiot. Pronounced LEH-RR.
07-06-27 08:59:37
cityconnectionjapan ::: Favorites
I sympathize with you. I think that this is lowest video game in history.
07-07-01 20:28:22
kugotsumin ::: Favorites
But you gotta admit, good character animation for the nes.
07-07-13 01:59:39

Raptiye - Metropol - ft. Sirhot

Duration: 226 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-06 05:03:30
User: whatwhatster
:::: Favorites

Raptiye - Metropol - ft. Sirhot (WHAT)

闘劇07 VF5 Ver.c 決勝戦 Part02 ( 2007.08.11 Cam )

Duration: 171 seconds
Upload Time: 07-08-12 01:49:58
User: FireLiu
:::: Favorites

www.youtube  。com/ogikage

ajax can you hear the f-side sing

Duration: 12 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-29 14:00:48
User: stee46
:::: Favorites

Can you hear The F-Side sing The boys go all the way And we will fight Forever more The boys go marching in

1900AFCA ::: Favorites
Can You hear the f-side sing The boys go all the way And we will fight forever more The Boys go marching in CAN YOU HEAR THE F-SIDE SING!
07-06-01 07:21:09
AFCABAUER ::: Favorites
er is hier ook nog een andere versie van namelijk: can you hear, the f-side sing boys don't run away and we'll fight, forever more as we go marching in
07-07-05 11:22:07
1900AFCA ::: Favorites
Klopt ja. Ach allebei mooi! Respect voor 410, maar F-Side blijft toch mooier..
07-07-06 04:47:05
AFCABAUER ::: Favorites
je haalt me de woorden uit de mond. 410 leuk en aardig, maar f-side blijft kwa geluid en atmosfeer toch inderdaad mooier.
07-07-06 06:46:14
kurita82 ::: Favorites
Great stuff! Go go F-Side!
07-06-19 16:30:40
stampuh ::: Favorites
elke thuiswedstrijd in jaar 2007/2008 heerlijk
07-06-20 10:21:43
rodaron ::: Favorites
volgens mij komt deze song toch echt uit het zuiden van het land
07-07-23 04:09:33
AFCABAUER ::: Favorites
lul toch niet zo dom stakker
07-08-08 10:49:42
Ryan1974Estrada ::: Favorites
Let me fart that song for that fart-club
07-07-24 05:55:33
britneyibored ::: Favorites
Go to CAMAZONCAMS . COM for very hot cam girls!
07-08-13 03:44:29

Light Pillars

Duration: 29 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-09 18:04:13
User: 06solareclipse
:::: Favorites

Ice and snow crystals mirror the light from street lights to pillars. This can happen when the air is very cold. Beam me up, Scotty.

tetsusaiga03 ::: Favorites
haha, cool. where is this from?
06-12-09 19:52:08
ghostsurfer74 ::: Favorites
love your video's. thanks again :-)
06-12-09 21:14:18
markdj57 ::: Favorites
Is that orangeness all light pollution??? What a waste of energy to light up the sky when all that was wanted was to light the roads by night. Weird light pillars too...
06-12-10 05:58:13
OceanCityInc ::: Favorites
the Light Pillars were Awesome, I also Love you Videos, Nature is so beautiful
06-12-14 05:41:14
gavinovz ::: Favorites
Wow that is cool.
07-04-06 13:52:38

Gunners greatest 50 moments - An introduction.

Duration: 79 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-04 08:37:03
User: kirst368varela
:::: Favorites

Gunners greatest 50 moments - An introduction.

dubaifufu ::: Favorites
thanks mate i love this
07-07-24 05:39:39

BeiJing VF5 Tournament 04

Duration: 198 seconds
Upload Time: 07-06-24 23:15:20
User: FireLiu
:::: Favorites

一回战 battle02 虎爷vs包子

Mourinho Clip 5

Duration: 443 seconds
Upload Time: 06-12-14 16:14:59
User: cflava5
:::: Favorites

Various Clips

ps10shannie ::: Favorites
07-03-26 19:39:14
MadameSpork ::: Favorites
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
07-04-08 20:32:14
cantkeepmedown ::: Favorites
He has a really good point
07-05-06 01:35:28
jkstatic ::: Favorites
This sort of interview is the EXACT reason why the players back Mourinho - almost religiously. Regardless of whether what he's saying is true - He sells the point in such a way that it's hard to argue.
07-08-11 20:38:23

Sirhot @ Hip-Hop O Tam - NUMBER ONE TV (Bolum. #3)

Duration: 424 seconds
Upload Time: 07-05-08 03:28:48
User: whatwhatster
:::: Favorites

Sirhot @ Hip-Hop O Tam - NUMBER ONE TV (Bolum. #3) (WHAT)

knockoutuncay ::: Favorites
sirhot bu başka bişeye benzemez
07-07-05 01:22:14
knockoutuncay ::: Favorites
SİRHOT sen ne kullanıyon ya yok böyle bi adam you number one turkey
07-07-06 12:14:19
selim53 ::: Favorites
kılıcın ruhunda da bu adam vardı galiba
07-07-14 14:25:24
knockoutuncay ::: Favorites
ewet adamın olmadığı parça yokki herkezi adam etti şimdide konuşuyolar sattılar yani
07-07-15 13:34:23
selim53 ::: Favorites
seninde dediğin laf mı a.q... o diyenlerden en farkın kaldı şimdi
07-07-15 14:53:11
ugurcuk123 ::: Favorites
Helal Sirhot Abi! Türkçe Rap'in gerçek adamı. O zamanında olmasaydı Türkiye'de ki rap severler bu kadar fazla olmazdı ve olası ki rap'i tanıyanlar bile fazla olmazdı.
07-07-16 14:58:58
AliOGUL ::: Favorites
arkadaşlar albüm geliyor az kaldı :) w w w . s i r h o t . c o m
07-07-20 13:05:15
benkachak ::: Favorites
uckaitci, yalanci.. wackin onde gideni..
07-07-25 08:13:03
rea0 ::: Favorites
Türkçe Rapte iLk üç 1. Barikat / jöNTürk 2. Sirhot 3. Rapor2 / Maho b
07-08-01 08:25:04
GESTRAPOL88 ::: Favorites
bu adam anlatlmaz daha bu çocuklar ceza fuchs falan hep sırhot yetştrdi ama admalr unuttu diss attılar
07-08-05 16:56:37


Duration: 528 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-24 22:32:34
User: FireLiu
:::: Favorites


24 Hours BC

Duration: 172 seconds
Upload Time: 06-11-16 20:30:31
User: 06solareclipse
:::: Favorites

Day and night time lapse taken in British Columbia, Canada.

Lypur ::: Favorites
where exactly in BC is this? I live in BC, but i'm curious
06-11-17 11:54:53
06solareclipse ::: Favorites
The camera takes an image every 20s. The expousure time changes automatically. At night it is 2.5 seconds.
06-11-17 17:46:06
06solareclipse ::: Favorites
near 100 Mile House
06-11-17 17:49:43
7tCinema ::: Favorites
06-11-17 17:52:30
Lypur ::: Favorites
ahhhhhh, my friend lives over there, but i live up in PG. Where do you get all these awesome video's from? Do you shoot them yourself or do you get them sent to you?
06-11-18 05:19:47
06solareclipse ::: Favorites
I developed a ultra light sensitive webcam system. With the help of the company where I work I set up several of these cameras around the world. We recieve a time lapse movie of each camera automatically via the internet every hour.
06-11-18 07:58:43
FredSpade ::: Favorites
Anything less than 5 stars would be a crime.
06-11-18 13:36:18
doomass ::: Favorites
damn i couldnt imagine tripping while seeing that its crazy is it safe to look at with ur bare eyes
07-01-13 07:27:58
shoos99 ::: Favorites
Qhat type of camera do you use? and What company do you work at?
07-02-12 21:27:23
MagicTyger ::: Favorites
Fantastic work. Thanks!
07-06-24 00:19:53

Arsenal vs Barcelona

Duration: 220 seconds
Upload Time: 07-04-19 11:10:10
User: kirst368varela
:::: Favorites

The match of the Uefa Champions League final 2005 -06 between Arsenal and Barcelona.

environmentalist21 ::: Favorites
awesome video.
07-05-11 05:37:10
dondittsche ::: Favorites
nice video...respect
07-05-18 09:13:40
brianred5 ::: Favorites
great work !!...it left me out of breath
07-05-21 21:52:10
tottenham19 ::: Favorites
nice vid.
07-05-23 13:50:29
aweto ::: Favorites
great work respect
07-06-24 05:14:09
sikatinavras ::: Favorites
fukc hauge and uefa
07-07-17 21:29:01
pratik2107 ::: Favorites
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA arsenal r CRAP!!!!!!!!... can't defend 2 save their lives.. !! HAHAHAHA viva Barcelona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-11 06:42:16