Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I support BUSH!!

Duration: 04:38 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-12 11:28:57

A video on my veiws on ppl who dont support bush or the war.


fox9ninja  2008-03-25 20:07:36

i'd like to see you saying all this when bush is striping you of your last freedom...and that judge analogy was really stupid, because the murderer is america! bush was behind 9/11 so that he can pass the patriot act (which takes away your freedom as a person) in order to protect you from the "terroists" i swear, america is so full of retards like you that vote him into office for him to destroy our country, and just watch, hilary, mccain, and obama are going to do the exact same thing.
fox9ninja  2008-03-25 19:57:17

reckless204  2008-03-25 14:17:23

u fuckin serious fuck bush
anchorsaweigh89  2008-03-24 06:26:49

whoever laughed in the background has good timing.
joscott66  2008-03-22 23:01:11

Well we weren't there before they invaded Kuwait or gassed 100,000 Kurds. Every War vet I Know says most are glad we're there. The only ones that aren't are the Saddam loyalists Sunnis who did all the torturing before we got there. Most of these suicide bombers are either foreigners or former Bathist or people made to carry out these attacks for fear of reprisals against their families. They even strap bombs on mentally handicap people, and you worry about a puppy.

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