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Duration: 11:59 minutes Upload Time: 2006-09-07 09:47:48 User: daraptii :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: . Out of all ex-Yugoslav states, only Slovenia and Croatia have a tradition of organizing Pride events, where as the attempt to organize such an event in Belgrade, Serbia, ended in a bloody showdown between the police and the fascist, far right extremists and religious fundamentalists counter-protesters counter-protesters, with the participants heavily beaten up |
Comments | |
LungerTony ::: Favorites 2007-03-10 15:29:49 Backwards?...but honestly, (not to be a smartalick) when has Serbia not been backwards? They certainly have been backwards in comparison to the west for more than 500 years. And honestly, I don't consider homophobia a determiner that a people are "backwards" or not. Forcing people to confront homosexuality when they don't want to (obviously) isn't cool in my book. __________________________________________________ | |
currycomb ::: Favorites 2007-03-11 12:08:53 POOR SERBİA!! They behave like animals! Anyone cant say these creatures Person! Cuz they dont deserve.. ALSO I AM SERBISH but I am happy that I live another country farr from them! Thnx god! __________________________________________________ | |
andaiin ::: Favorites 2007-03-11 14:40:28 You know what they say, don't knock it til you try it. Besides, it is common knowledge that overt homophobia often conceals latent homosexuality. Sure you're not hungry for a little cock yourself, eh Marcos? You're the type of guy that spews all sorts of shit and then sends a private message asking for cybersex and dirty photos. You disgust me. __________________________________________________ | |
dmaverick72 ::: Favorites 2007-03-11 15:51:33 As a Catholic we are taught to love the sinner hate the sin. Every person out there taking a God stance in some way has sinned before and points a finger is hypocrite! onlyGod can judge. __________________________________________________ | |
csolioli ::: Favorites 2007-03-12 15:04:08 I agree! I'm Serb too, but i wouldn't life there anymore... They are animals!! __________________________________________________ | |
mowgli99 ::: Favorites 2007-03-13 19:15:57 gay? We are everywhere. your brothers, your sisters, yourt neighbours, your mothers, your fathers, your grandparents....we are unlikely to be your best friend (go figure!) ...did I mention we will cook and eat your children? grow up __________________________________________________ | |
bfoaliali ::: Favorites 2007-03-13 23:02:35 ok..im serbian I dont like gays but..i would never hurt a gay.. __________________________________________________ | |
Mesar101 ::: Favorites 2007-03-14 15:40:54 Thats what the priest in the video said __________________________________________________ | |
bojanmanojlovic ::: Favorites 2007-03-15 17:04:12 Treba da vas je sramota, barbari odvratni! Zivotinje! SHAME ON YOU, BABRBARIANS! FREAKING ANIMALS!!! __________________________________________________ | |
1632milos ::: Favorites 2007-03-15 22:46:27 People in Serbia are NOT animals. They are scared of the things they don't know. Gays are one of these things. I condame what the leaders of Red Star & Partizan did, but the people looking at this video from around the world should not think that all the serbs are like these narow-minded fools. __________________________________________________ | |
1632milos ::: Favorites 2007-03-15 23:01:51 Kao Srbin koji zivi vec par godina u Francuskoj krivo mi je sto vidim ovakve snimke iz mog grada, ali jebi ga.... Ja i moja porodica smo pobegli iz zemlje bas zbog slicnih stvari. LJUDI PROMENITE SE. DOKLE VISE BRE??? __________________________________________________ | |
calcio98 ::: Favorites 2007-03-16 07:22:42 i havent read one true serbian comment...im surprised it's mostly foreigners commenting on the gay situation in serbia..ur all sick...thats y theirs gay flags and gap people holding hands and kissing in canada...this liberalism takes away rights from conservatives such as us non-gays...there is no need to parade homosexualityat least not in a normal society such as in serbia...we dont parade heterosexuality...all u gays mind ur own business and keep off the streets of belgrade __________________________________________________ | |
daraptii ::: Favorites 2007-03-16 07:30:04 of course you do parade your heterosexuality. What are horning cars on a sathurday weddings? Come on, get lost with your homophobic bullshit. Normal society? Look the film again, you normal, you... __________________________________________________ | |
meraklije ::: Favorites 2007-03-16 13:38:58 ti i tvoja porodica ste pobegli iz srbije zbog para,a ne zbog ovakvih situacija,vamo je tamo sve normalno,ali ovde nece biti jos dugo dugooo gay parada,a vi uzivajte u francuskoj sa arapima irancima alzircima i ostalim FRANCUSKIM stanovnistem,mada ne znam da li ima tamo jos francuza.Pozdrav svim srbima,ne stidite se svojih predaka i korena __________________________________________________ | |
1632milos ::: Favorites 2007-03-17 07:25:41 E brate ako mislis da uzivam u FR. i da uzivam u smrdljvim sirevima, gadno si se zajebo.Ali sta fali ljudima koji se mesaju? Ako se pederi jebu i ta sranja. Nek taj lik radi sta hoce a bude li me pipnuo ruku cu mu izcupati. pederi mi ne smetaju, ni alzirci, ni eskimi. imas i ok alziraca, i ok pedera! __________________________________________________ |
Friday, December 7, 2007
Fist Serbian Gay Pride bloody showdown (2001)
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